"The Price of Friendship", a short story
I’ve added a new “Web” category for this tech blog and I want to use this category as a place for images, someone else’s blog or creative writing, across the web that I enjoyed that revolve around tech. Today, it’s a short story. With that said, a friend of mine uploaded what could potentially be a creative series (I hope), but so far this short story is amazingly well written. I’ve never known him for being a creative writer, but for this to be his first, I was thoroughly impressed. The scene setting is so good. Just read this small excerpt and be amazed:
“I attempt to reconnect to Quinn’s model, but I only receive an error message: “MODEL UNAVAILABLE. Contact DataHive™ support to speak with a Neurogenic AI specialist.” No, thanks. This doesn’t seem like a “turn it off and on again” type of situation. I remove my headset and sit in silence for what feels like only a few minutes, just staring off into space, a million thoughts and possibilities running through my head. When I snap out of it, I realize I have been sitting there for an hour."
That’s only a small piece of it, but it’s so good. I recommend you read it. @jcrabapple@dmv.community, if you’re reading this. You better turn this into a series, bro! 😁